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Easy editable config.rb file for compass, with config for both dev and prod environments and sourcemaps

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Easy editable config.rb file for Compass, now optionally integrated with Gruntjs and entirely configurable via package.json + grunt tasks.

Important Got suggestions, Bugs, whatever? Feel free to make an Issue or Pull Request, it's a pleasure to receive them.


Gruntjs Integration

If you already use Grunt for your project, having sass/compass is really simple. Add folderConfig and the user_xxxx_folder like on my package.json file. That will guide not only config.rb itself but also Gruntfile.js if you are using my example settings for grunt-contrib-compass.

If you don't use Grunt.js, just get package.json and config.rb, editting folderConfig accordingly. The only thing you will need is to uncomment the enviroment var on config.rb - which if used in conjunction with Grunt, it's configured on Gruntfile.js, like my example task). The values for that var can be :development or :production.

Folder Structure used as Base

root (where package.json/config.rb/Gruntfile.js has to be put)
    |-- user_fonts_folder
    |-- user_image_folder
    |-- user_javascript_folder
    +-- user_css_folder
        +-- user_sass_folder
            +-- user_sasscache_folder

For more info, please refeer to the sampleRoot folder.

Development Environment Specifics

Production Environment Specifics

Both Environments

Compass sprite generation

Compass creates a new sprite file everytime there's a change, by appending a hash to the filename. For TFS and other source controls, this is a pain (having to include/delete images all time from project), therefore:


Step 0

Put config.rb, Gruntfile.js and package.json on your project's root folder.

Step 1

Configure your folder's names on package.json. E.g.:

user_assets_folder = 'assets'
user_css_folder = 'css'
user_fonts_folder = 'fonts'
user_sass_folder = 'sass'
user_sasscache_folder = '_cache' //sass default is '.sass-cache'
user_image_folder = 'img'
user_javascript_folder = 'js'

Step 2

On your cmd/terminal at your project's root, run npm install to download all dependencies specified on package.json, such as grunt and other plugins.

Step 3

On your cmd/terminal at your project's root, run your grunt's environment type, considering you are using my tasks. E.g.:

For a watch (just like compass watch):

grunt dev

For run-once compile:

grunt compass:prod

Or if not using grunt:

compass watch

Step 4

Profit (?!)

Knows Issues

Compass Sprites using something like @import "{folderName}/*.png"; @include all-{folderName}-sprites; give #public_url error and sourcemaps will fail to be created/updated. Set user_sourcemaps to false on package.json to prevent that.

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